
Fish river 10 year difference

Couple months ago, while trying to find an access to the Fish river on the Central West of NSW (this river is well known for running mostly through private properties) I stumbled across a sweet little spot that looked somehow familiar. I took couple of pictures, made a few casts before realising that I’ve been to this spot before. Apparently about 10 years ago I travelled by train all the way from Sydney for my first time trout fishing venture out west and walk along the banks of this river and fished same exact spot. I came back home and pull out a folder with an old photos and found the images from that trip. One of the images taken 10 years ago approximately matched the one I took this year. That’s quite an interesting comparison. You can see some bank erosion happening, the water level was much higher 10 years ago and the fallen tree on the right of the image was out of the water and still had its leaves. I guess the pine tree will be the next one to go, as you can see the difference in the lean angle. I guess that will create a good shelter for trout to hide. Hopefully will be back there in another 10 years to check it out what’s up.

Fish river in 2009

Fish river in 2019


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