
Winter prep sessions

Long winter nights mean more time to get your fly gear organized and top up your boxes with go-to patterns. Glass of whiskey goes hand in hand with these tying sessions too. This time I tied up some bright bead nymphs, glo-bugs and some squirmies which hopefully should trigger those spawners I’m read more


Flytying Days vs Nights during lockdown

Well, when your city goes into a full lodckdown during pandemic it means one thing – an excessive number of hours at the flytying vise. I have never thought this kind of situation could be real and that it only happens in movies. But instead of complaining about getting bored or not being able read more


Stimulator Fly

The first fly I would like to share - is the good old Stimulator. It's a well know fly pattern and there's no magic to it. It's super popular in the States probably because of how well it imitates a larger stonefly that they have over there. I guess in Australia this fly would be a better representation of a grasshopper, which meadows along the rivers are full of. The colour spectrum of those things is incredible - varying from deep red to bright yellow.